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Global Safety Leader IMMI Announces Transition to Employee Owned Company

Global Safety Leader IMMI Announces Transition to Employee Owned Company

June 13, 2022 (Westfield, IN) – After 61 years of being privately held, today IMMI announces the transfer of ownership to its employees through the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).  

“It’s our incredible people and culture that has helped drive our value and growth,” said Tom Anthony, IMMI Chairman of the Board.  “To honor our team, this was the only logical choice.”

The transition to employee owned by the more than 60 year old company reflects its exemplary commitment of IMMI’s Core Values to Serve People.  “This is an extremely significant business decision.  It further demonstrates the dedication and care the Anthony’s have always had towards our team and company mission,” added Larry Gray, IMMI CEO.  “We bring safety to millions of people around the world every day.  The move to an ESOP does not change our leadership or day-to-day operations.”

Under an ESOP plan, eligible team members earn stock in IMMI as part of a designed long-term retirement benefit.  “This is an exciting way to reward our team members for their innovation, hard work, and dedication.  They have always owned it, and now it’s official,” added Anthony.

“As an ESOP, we are also able to recruit new talent while retaining our experienced team members who’ve contributed to our success,” said Gray.  “At a time when companies are struggling to find great people, we’re offering a benefit that few can provide.  Our team’s commitment to a shared future together as owners is stronger than ever.  We have always considered ourselves a family, so in a way, you could say we are still ‘family-owned’.”