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Indiana’s Largest School District Adds IMMI Seat Belts to School Buses

April 20, 2016, (Westfield, IN) – The Indianapolis Public Schools Board of School Commissioners has announced plans to add 100 new, propane‐fueled school buses to their fleet next year. In a proactive move to improve the safety of IPS students, those buses will include IMMI’s SafeGuard® lap­‐shoulder seat belts.

All IMMI SafeGuard seats are designed, tested, and manufactured right here in Indiana by IMMI®, the leading provider of seat belts on school buses, at their Westfield, Indiana headquarters.

Monica Coburn, transportation director for IPS, experienced the safety and behavioral benefits lap‐shoulder belts can have on school buses when she added them to her fleet during her tenure as transportation director in Bartholomew County, Indiana. “Kids were off the walls with no seat belts,” Coburn explained. “With the seat belts, discipline (problems) have been reduced by 90 to 95 percent.”

Momentum for adding lap‐shoulder belts to school buses kicked into high gear in late 2015 when Dr. Mark Rosekind, NHTSA administrator, called on school districts everywhere to add seat belts to their school buses. “School buses should have seat belts. Period,” Mr. Rosekind stated to an audience of transportation directors from around the country. “Every child on a school bus without a seat belt means more risk of serious injury to precious cargo.”

“More and more Indiana school districts are doing their research and finding that adding lap­‐shoulder belts to their school buses can better protect the children in their care and better protect the district financially by reducing injuries and behavioral issues,” said Tom Anthony, IMMI President. “We’re thrilled to partner with IPS as they take this step to make their buses as safe as they can be for their students.”

IPS joins Westfield Washington Schools which added lap­‐shoulder belts to their travel and activity school buses last year.

About IMMI

IMMI® is the trusted, global leader of safety solutions, helping to protect millions every day. For more than 55 years, IMMI has led the way in developing, designing, testing and manufacturing innovative safety restraints and systems. IMMI’s safety products can be found worldwide on car seats, heavy trucks, school buses, recreational/off road, military, fire/EMS, motor coach, and construction vehicles. IMMI is privately owned, headquartered in Westfield, Indiana and operates seven additional global facilities. IMMI is also home to CAPE®, the world’s leading state‐of­‐the­‐art testing facility.